Why does it take a full three seconds to realise what went down in an argument? Both parties will say they aren't wrong - after all, 公说公有理、婆说婆有理 (translates to man says what he thinks makes sense, while woman says what she thinks make sense) - hardly coming to much of a consensus even at the end of the tiff.
While we should take some time to cool off before coming back together and having a level-headed conversation, what happens during an argument is equally, if not more important. Saying things you mean, instead of sounding mean, could be the one thing that makes a difference when it comes to conflict-resolution. That way, you appear decisive and firm about a certain stance. The worst scenario is to precariously try to present balanced views, at the risk of sounding fickle and unsure of what you truly want.
So much to learn from Baby Tee, who is only 5 months young. Her gentle nature and playful demeanour makes it a pleasure every time I visit! Just to brag a little, she picked up the magenta toy ball filled with cat nip I got specially for her. My heart was full yesterday.
Much like how cats communicate with one another by leaving and detecting messages in the form of pheromones in the environment, we as homo sapiens should all the more communicate verbally (choice of words, tone) and non-verbally (body language and facial expressions) - because unlike animals, we can actually orally communicate to someone else that we are sorry and say it like we mean it (you know who you are, those of you never willing to back down!)
Who do you go to in times of disagreement? ...Christ is there for all of us to turn to, if we so choose. Angels exist amidst us all, and most of the time, He communicates with us through signs, or people (words or actions alike). Is it wrong for us to rely humanly on another person we trust when we face conflict? No, as that is just human nature. However, relying solely on another being is a no-no as we have no control over others, as the opposite is also true. Therefore, you should go to yourself and find the answer to your problem from within. If He works in us all, we should be able to find it with some soul-searching.
^ So folks, remember that in an argument, the two people ultimately come to a compromise, not by rolling their eyes at each other, but by looking up to the Almighty and going by the principles of the Word to determine what is right in His eyes.
^^ This was a stray perched elegantly on the bottom of the stairs of the first floor of my grandparents' housing board estate (HDB) flat
"Don’t force cats to interact. Each time the cats experience an aggressive encounter, they are learning to fight next time. Patience is essential." - Theresa L. DePorter, board certified diplomate and veterinarian
Credits: Shot by Lumix and Samsung Note9